Saturday, February 10, 2007

Diovan Calipers

Another set of calipers in the pile this week. These actually match the other Diovan product I've picked up, the penlight I posted earlier. These calipers are a bit annoying though, in that they aren't sturdy enough to hold the space you set them to. The plastic arms are, well, plastic, and seem threatening to break at the slightest provocation. That, and they are huge. The Coreg calipers, for example, are about half the size of a normal pen. (roughly 7.5cm long) These are the size of an average highlighter. Plus they have the Novartis label in large lettering on the pocket clip. (see the second picture) I realize all this stuff is given out as advertisement, but I refuse to turn my person into a walking billboard. Not likely to use these anytime soon.